Unit 9 Properties of Exponents

Learning Objectives Chapter 8
    Multiplication Properties of Exponents
  • Use properties of exponents to multiply exponential expressions
  • Use powers to model real-life problems
    Zero and Negative Exponents
  • Evaluate powers that have zero and negative exponents
  • Graph exponential functions
    Division Properties of Exponents
  • Use the division properties of exponents to evaluate powers and simplify expressions
  • Use the division properties of exponents to find a probability
    Scientific Notation: Exploring Data and Statistics
  • Use scientific notation to represent numbers and perform operations with them.
  • Use scientific notation to describe real-life situations
    Exponential Growth Functions
  • Write and use models for exponential growth
  • Graph models for exponential growth
    Exponential Decay Functions
  • Write and use models for exponential decay
  • Graph models for exponential decay

Skills Quizzes : Properties of Real Numbers

Quiz Name Skill Assessed Practice File Passing Grade Notes
Graphing Solve systems of equations by graphing; check the solution See homework assignments for practice problems 3 out of 4
Substitution Solve systems of equations using the substitution method; check the solution. See homework assignments for practice problems 3 out of 4  
Linear Combinations Solve systems of equations using linear combinations; this includes adding, subtracting, multiplication, division; check the solution. See homework assignments for practice problems 3 out of 4  
Writing Systems of Equations Write a system of equations to model a problem; then solve the system and check the solution. 5 out of 6
Writing Systems of Equations Write a system of equations to model a problem; then solve the system and check the solution.
Sample: The difference of George's age and Madison's age is 9 years. The sum of 6 times George's age and 5 times Madison's age is 153. How old is each?
Practice problem sets (PDF) 3 out of 3 Practice problem set solutions (PDF)
Sample Word Problems For each of these word problems, students should be able to:
  • Write a system of equations that models the propblem
  • Choose an appropriate method for solving the system - graphing, substitution, linear combinations
  • Solve the system (for all variables)
  • Check the solution (in all equations) algebraically

Samantha has $3.40 in dimes and quarters. The number of dimes is 8 less than the number of quarters. How many coins of each type does she have? A piggy bank has $4.30 in dimes and quarters. If the number of dimes is 7 more than 2 times the number of quarters, how many coins of each type are in the piggy bank?
George's age is 5 times Kendell's age. The sum of their ages is 48. Find the age of each. The difference of Jimmy's age and Linda's age is 10 years. The sum of 5 times Jimmy's age and 4 times Linda's age is 104. How old is each?
There were 235 people at a movie to raise funds for the drama club. Admision was $8.00 for each adult and $4.00 for each student. The total receipts for all tickets was $1504.00. How many adults and how many students attended? The length of a rectangle is 11 m less than 5 times the width. The perimeter is 434 m. Find the length and width of the rectangle.
George scored 13 more points than twice as many as Roy did. Their combined score was 40 points. How many points did each score? The difference of Jen's age and Mark's age is 6 years. The sum of 4 times Jen's age and 3 times Mark's age is 108. How old is each?