Command Term | Level | Definition |
Define | 1 | Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity. |
State | 1 |
Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation |
Describe | 2 | Give a detailed account. |
Identify | 2 | Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. |
Trace | 2 |
Follow and record the action of an algorithm. |
Compare | 3 | Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. |
Construct | 3 |
Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form. |
Explain | 3 | Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. |
Sketch | 3 |
Represent by means of a diagram or graph (labeled as appropriate). The sketch should give a general idea of the required shape or relationship, and should include relevant features. |
Suggest | 3 | Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.
5.1 Abstract Data Structures |
Thinking Recursively |
5.1.1 | Identify a situation that requires the use of recursive thinking.
5.1.2 | Identify recursive thinking in a specified problem solution.
5.1.3 | Trace a recursive algorithm to express a solution to a problem.
Abstract Data Structures |
5.1.4 | Describe the characteristics of a two-dimensional array.
5.1.5 | Construct algorithms using a two-dimensional array.
5.1.6 | Describe the characteristics and applications of a stack.
- See agenda items 10/26 - 10/27
- Warm-up
Tracing Stacks solution is in the Stacks.notebook file, at the end.
5.1.7 | Construct algorithms using the access methods of a stack. See 5.1.6 resources
5.1.8 | Describe the characteristics and applications of a queue.
5.1.9 | Construct algorithms using the access methods of a queue.
5.1.10 | Explain the use of arrays as static stacks and queues.
Linked Lists |
5.1.11 | Describe the features and characteristics of a dynamic data structure.
5.1.12 | Describe how linked lists operate logically.
- File: Linked Lists
- Present Linked Lists Exampe 1 and Example 2
- Complete handout Exercise 1 and Exercise 2
- Complete handout Exercise 3 and Exercise 4
Java programs (sorted linked lists)
- node for linked-list
- uses WordNode to implement a sorted
linked list.
- Main Program to test sorted-list operations
5.1.13 | Sketch linked lists (single, double and circular).
Trees |
5.1.14 | Describe how trees operate logically (both binary and non-binary).
5.1.15 | Define the terms: parent, left-child, right-child, subtree, root and leaf.
See activities list below
- parent
A node within a tree that has nodes that branch off from it (children)
- child
A node within a tree that branches off from another (parent)
- subtree
The grouping of a parent and a child in a tree.
- root
- leaf
A node with no children within a tree.
5.1.16 | State the result of inorder, postorder and preorder tree traversal.
See activities list below
5.1.17 | Sketch binary trees.
See activities list below
Tree References |
Activities Covering the Content |
Introduction to Recursion and Binary Trees |
Binary Tree Vocabulary |
Traversing Binary Trees inorder |
- Java program
- Powerpoint
- In-class demo
- Warm-up practice
- Homework practice
- Quiz version 1 version 1 key
- Quiz version 2 version 2 key
- Quiz version 3 version 3 key
Traversing Binary Trees preorder |
- Java program
- Powerpoint
- In-class demo
- Warm-up practice
- Homework practice
- Quiz version 1 version 1 key
- Quiz version 2 version 2 key
- Quiz version 3 version 3 key
Traversing Binary Trees postorder |
- Java program
- Powerpoint
- In-class demo
- Warm-up practice
- Homework practice
- Quiz version 1 version 1 key
- Quiz version 2 version 2 key
- Quiz version 3 version 3 key
Creating Binary Trees |
- Java program
- PowerPoint Demo
- Interactive Demo - try it yourself
- Warm-up practice
- Homework practice
- Quiz version 1 version 1 key
- Quiz version 2 version 2 key
- Quiz version 3 version 3 key
Applications |
5.1.18 | Define the term dynamic data structure.
Dynamic Data-StructureA data structure in which the number of elements can change during program execution
5.1.19 | Compare the use of static and dynamic data structures.
5.1.20 | Suggest a suitable structure for a given situation.