IB Computer Science
Course Standards
IB Java Examination Tool Subset
(JETS) |
Backround | The JETS specification applies to the Option D: Obect Oriented Programming aspect of the Computer Science course. We will be focusing on Option C: Web Sciences, however we will try to use JETS as a guide as to the aspects of Java programming that will be used as part of Topic 4: Computational thinking, problem-solving and programming, and in particular, the sections covering programming.
File | The IB Java Examination Tool Subset
IB Pseudo Code and Flow Chart Guidelines |
Backround | The IBCS course provides specifications for the format and style of pseudo code and flow chart symbols. We will try to use this throughout the course. These guides are used on formal assessments. Using them throughout the course will provide some familiarity when formal papers (exams) are conducted.
File | Approved notation for developing pseudocode This is the second file for specifying pseudo-code and flow charts.
Goals for September |
File | Handout:September-Goals.pdf